Self-discipline is the power to control yourself in whatever scenario you find yourself in without anyone else telling you what to do. It can be really hard to demonstrate self-discipline. We’re all doing it right now in quarantine.


We’re practicing self-discipline by working from home, staying in touch with loved ones, etc. If you’re unable to work then it’s finding something to do other than stare at the ceiling. Sometimes staring at the ceiling is helpful though, let’s be real.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Write down your goals and intentions for the day. Maybe even the night before. This whole quarantine thing is truly one day at a time.

Be Realistic 

It’s important to connect with your feelings throughout the day. If you’re feeling up for a mile then go that mile. If you do one more squat than usual then that’s still amazing.

Start Small

A goal can simply be folding laundry straight out of the dryer, running to the street corner, eating 10 less potato chips, actually saving some of that pint of Ben & Jerry’s for another time, saying one less swear word for the day, eating some fruit and vegetables, etc. 

Be Consistent

Let’s say your goal is to exercise more, then perhaps try doing so at the same time each day. If your schedule doesn’t allow consistency then try to slot out time each day.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Eat in a way that fuels your body. Save that one episode of a Netflix binge for tomorrow. Drink water when you wake up. Keep your work area neat.

Take It Easy

Be easy on yourself. People train to run marathons. Taking steps to take better care of your mental and physical health is no different. It’s like a muscle and if you work it too hard, it can become fatigued and give out.


Celebrate your success and your mistakes. If your walk for the day was simply taking the trash out then may it be the best walk to the trash, ever. Mistakes do not define your self-worth. It’s all part of the journey!

Above all, do what you can. It isn’t a race. Everyone’s journeys are different. If all you did today was survive, then kudos to you! We’re happy you’re here.