Teaching consent is teaching respect and having control of your body. It’s not just about sex. Understanding and negotiating consent as life skills give children and adolescents ways to understand and respect both their own desires and those of other people.


Consent means asking someone to do something and accepting their answer.

Bodily Autonomy is the concept that an individual has control over what happens to their body, including who gets to touch it.

Boundaries are a person’s right to choose what is comfortable for them.

Some Helpful Resources:

Talking Points 

Whichever way you want to talk to your child about consent in your own words can be broken down into these main talking points:

  • Teaching them to ask for permission. 
  • Modeling consent. 
  • Not forcing affection. 
  • Consent should be given each time.
  • Being the boss of their own body.
  • Using proper names for body parts.
  • Listen when someone says ‘stop’ or ‘no’.
  • Help them read body language.
  • Understand the impact of their actions on others. 

Talk Openly

Let your children know they can always come to you with questions about consent and relationships. Answer questions honestly and encourage ongoing conversations about respect and safety. As kids grow older your discussions can become more specific.

Some Helpful Resources: